Most Important Evidence to Collect After a Car Accident

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If you have been in an accident around Omaha, you’ll need to put together the best possible case for your personal injury claim to collect what you are entitled to. This means that it is essential that you collect as much evidence as possible about your crash. The more evidence you have in support of your personal injury claim, the better protected you will be against fabricated defenses that the at-fault driver and their insurance company might try and use against you. Winning a fair settlement that covers your losses is only possible when you have a strong case built atop evidence.

Evidence is important in a car accident lawsuit, and the following can be used to your advantage by a local Omaha car accident lawyer from Knowles Law Firm.

Key Evidence Comes From the Scene of the Accident

In the moments after your crash, it is natural to feel a great deal of excitement and adrenaline, and this can make it difficult to fully comprehend what is happening around you. If you are able to collect yourself and take the time to collect some evidence, it can be extremely helpful in your case. When your injuries are not severe, you can take control of the accident by being proactive.

If you can exit your vehicle and safely move about, work on collecting evidence, especially the following.

Remember to Take Pictures of the Scene of the Accident and Around

Photographic evidence can provide important information to help explain the mechanics of the crash and which party is at fault in the car accident. If you are able to take pictures after the accident, take out your phone to carefully document the crash from a number of different angles.

When you are taking photographs of the scene of the accident it is especially helpful to gather the following:

  • The condition of all vehicles involved in the accident
  • The placement of the vehicles
  • Any injuries that you or other occupants of your vehicle might have suffered
  • Debris and other fallout from the crash, like broken glass and skid marks
  • Any issues with the road that could have contributed to the accident
  • Whatever traffic control devices were at the scene, like traffic lights or stop signs
  • The weather and lighting conditions

Witness Testimony

Being involved in an accident can make it difficult for you to know what objectively happened. Collecting testimony and contact information from witnesses can provide valuable information for your car accident claim.

Driver’s Info

The name, address, phone number, license number, license plate number, and insurance information are key pieces of information that you’ll need. When the driver was working at the time of the accident, also collect the information of their employer.

Police Report

Calling the police to the scene can help in the exchange of information with drivers and witnesses, and also will provide a valuable report to use as evidence in your case.

Connect with an Omaha Car Accident Lawyer from Knowles Law Firm

With valuable evidence, your claim can be best supported by an experienced lawyer. To learn more about how we can help schedule a consultation with Knowles Law Firm.