March 2022

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Can You File a Claim for PTSD After an Accident?

Many accidents are frightening, chaotic, and traumatic for those involved. With or without serious injuries inflicted, a harrowing accident can have a lasting psychological impact on survivors and witnesses. Medically, this is referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can cause emotional distress and pain and suffering long after the accident is over. In Nebraska, you may be able to file a claim for financial compensation for PTSD, depending on the circumstance.  What Is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that can occur when someone experiences, lives through or witnesses…

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Reasons To Keep A Journal Following An Injury

Being injured in an accident can be a very tumultuous time in your life. It is important to try to remain calm and remember the steps that you must take to protect yourself and build a personal injury claim. One of these steps is to create and maintain an injury journal, also known as a pain diary. This is a tool that you can use to prove how much your injuries have impacted your life – evidence that you can use to fight for fair compensation during a claim. Why You Should Keep an…

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What Cases Usually Involve Strict Liability Claims?

Most personal injury cases require proof of a tort committed by the defendant in connection to the plaintiff’s injuries or harm, such as negligence, to result in financial compensation for the victim. Some cases, however, apply the legal doctrine of strict liability. This doctrine allows a victim to hold a defendant liable (financially responsible) for an injury even without proof of negligence or fault. There are three types of cases where this doctrine typically applies. Product Liability Claims A product liability claim is a lawsuit brought against the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer of a…

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What Is Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Claim?

You might know for a fact that one or more parties are responsible for causing your recent injuries in Nebraska. Yet, to achieve financial compensation from a defendant, however, you or your personal injury lawyer in Omaha must successfully meet the burden of proof. This means you must provide evidence demonstrating that the defendant caused or contributed to your injuries. Understanding the burden of proof in a personal injury case can help you move forward with your legal action. What Does it Mean to Have the Burden of Proof? The burden of proof refers…

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