October 2020

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What Is the Difference Between Ordinary Negligence and Gross Negligence?

If someone else injures you in Nebraska, you may have the right to file a claim against that person for damages. Before you can receive benefits, however, you will have to prove negligence. On a legal level, two different standards of negligence exist: ordinary and gross negligence. The type of negligence involved in your case can change how much you receive in compensation. What Is Ordinary Negligence? The burden of proof in most personal injury cases is enough evidence to establish the defendant as more likely than not responsible for the plaintiff’s damages. Responsibility…

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What Is a Contingency Fee?

Hiring an attorney to help you with a civil case could make a world of difference to its outcome. A lawyer has the years of experience, legal resources and knowledge to achieve top results for your claim. It is normal, however, to worry about the costs of hiring an attorney. Luckily, many lawyers have solved this problem by accepting clients on a contingency fee basis. What Does Contingency Fee Basis Mean? If an attorney charges on a contingency basis, it means you paying for the lawyer’s services is contingent upon him or her winning…

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How Pain and Suffering Damages Are Calculated

A serious accident in Nebraska can affect a victim more than just financially. Severe injuries have significant physical, mental and emotional impacts on victims as well. Scarring, disfigurement and permanent disabilities can cause immense pain and suffering. In Nebraska, the civil justice system permits plaintiffs to seek compensation for intangible pain and suffering damages in addition to economic losses. The value of your pain and suffering damages during an injury claim will depend on how the jury decides to calculate them. What Is Pain and Suffering? First, understand what pain and suffering means from…

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Settlement From an Injury Claim?

Being injured in an accident will trigger a series of events that can last weeks, months or even years. Some cases resolve with settlements in a few months, while others take a year or longer to resolve at trial. Once you achieve a settlement, you may be eager to obtain the check. The legal process is not something you can rush, however. How long you must wait to receive the money can depend on your case and the size of the settlement. Settlement Finalization and Liability Release Form After going through the insurance claim…

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How Insurance Companies Investigate Car Accidents

After getting into a serious car accident in Nebraska, your fate rests largely on how an insurance company handles your damage claim. A successful claim could help you move forward with peace of mind by paying for expenses such as vehicle repairs and medical bills. Knowing how the average insurance company investigates a car accident claim can allow you to take the right steps to improve your chances of success. Claims Adjuster Assignment Once an insurance company receives your claim, it will create a case file to give to an insurance claims adjuster. A…

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What Is Considered Essential Evidence in a Car Accident?

The recovery process after a car accident can be long and arduous. One of the ways you can make it easier – and improve your chances of obtaining financial compensation – is by gathering essential evidence from the very first day of your crash. Essential evidence is information and proof necessary to establish the other driver’s liability for your wreck, as well as your damages. An Omaha car accident attorney can help you with the evidence collection stage of your injury claim. Official Records and Reports One of the first places an insurance company…

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