August 2022

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What Is an Assumption of Risk in a Personal Injury Case?

When you file a personal injury claim in Nebraska to pursue financial compensation from the person or party that caused your accident, you may run into one or more defenses. One defense strategy is called the assumption of risk. This defense claims that you were aware of the potential risk of injury associated with an activity but went through with it anyway – and that the defendant should therefore not be held liable for your injuries. What Does Assumption of Risk Mean? Certain sports, events and activities are known to be dangerous or hold…

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What Is a Letter of Protection?

A letter of protection is something you may need to request from an attorney after an accident if you are being charged for medical care but have not yet received financial compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company to pay for your medical bills. This is a common situation, as an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit often takes longer than the medical billing process. A letter of protection promises your medical provider that it will see the money that you owe after your case has been resolved. When Do You Need a Letter…

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Questions to Ask During Your Legal Consultation 

If you get injured in an accident in Omaha, Nebraska, consulting with a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and legal options moving forward. The first step in your legal journey is a free legal consultation with one or more prospective lawyers. Use this list of questions to ask during your initial case review to get all of the facts and information you need to choose the right attorney. How Much Experience Do You Have With My Type of Case? First, assess the lawyer’s skillset in your practice area. Ask how…

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What Are Extenuating Circumstances? 

Extenuating circumstances is a legal phrase that you may hear in a criminal case or personal injury lawsuit in Nebraska. In a personal injury case, extenuating circumstances may come into play if an insurance company attempts to blame your injuries on something other than the defendant’s actions or failure to act. Learn more about this legal subject to prepare your argument in case it comes up as a defense to your claim. What Does Extenuating Circumstances Mean? Cornell Law Schools’ definition of extenuating circumstances are facts or details that are relevant and necessary to…

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The Difference Between Negligence and Malpractice

If you suffered an injury because of the wrongful acts of another person or party, you may be eligible for financial compensation. This is true in cases involving both negligence and malpractice. These two concepts are similar but distinct on a legal level, although they are often used interchangeably. It’s important to know the difference before you file a claim, as each comes with a different burden of proof. What Is Negligence? Negligence is the failure to use ordinary care, resulting in injury or harm to others. It refers to actions or behaviors that…

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Dangers of Bounce Houses – How to Prevent Injury

Bounce houses have become popular ways to celebrate children’s birthdays and other events. While they may seem safe, with padded walls and soft surfaces, bounce houses pose a significant risk of child injuries. Children can suffer broken bones from contact with other kids in the bounce house, for example, and unsecured bounce houses can lift off of the ground in high winds. Learn more about the dangers of bounce houses to better protect your child. What Are Common Injury Risks Associated With Bounce Houses? Most parents and guardians assume that bounce houses are reasonably…

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