April 2020

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Who Is at Fault for an Accident Caused by Weather?

Car accidents happen in Omaha for many different reasons. Most reasons will allow a victim to seek financial compensation for injuries and property damages, such as crashes caused by negligent or reckless drivers. You might assume that an accident caused by bad weather, such as rain or fog, is no one’s fault – and that you therefore will not have grounds for a claim. This might not be the case, however, depending on the circumstances. Multivehicle Accidents and Fault After a car accident involving another driver in bad weather in Nebraska, remain calm and…

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What Can I Do If I Was Misdiagnosed in Relation to Coronavirus?

In the current uncertain state of the world amid the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, some patients are suffering the effects of misdiagnoses. A doctor could misdiagnose COVID-19 as something else, such as the seasonal flu, or vice versa. A doctor could also make the mistake of failing to diagnose a patient who has the coronavirus, allowing that person to continue interacting with others and potentially spread the virus. A doctor could negligently delay a patient’s diagnosis of COVID-19 and fail to give the patient the treatments he or she needs in a timely manner. In other…

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Are Pressure Ulcers a Sign of Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is a terrible crime that affects tens of thousands of senior citizens around the US. It refers to the intentional harming of an elderly individual (someone 65 or older). Elder abuse can affect a victim physically, emotionally, mentally and/or financially. Elder abuse can present itself in many ways. One is the physical neglect of an elderly person in someone else’s care, such as malnourishment, unattended injuries, infections and pressure ulcers. What Are Pressure Ulcers? Pressure ulcers, commonly known as bedsores, are skin injuries that can affect underlying tissues – sometimes going as…

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Can Social Media Negatively Impact Your Case?

Social media can do more damage to a case than you think. It is more than just a social platform among friends or family members. The defense could use social media accounts as evidence during court cases. Social media could have the power to change your personal injury case’s outcome. Misusing social media, such as by posting the wrong thing at the wrong time, could reduce your chances of a positive result. It is best to stay off of social media entirely while your case is ongoing. Social Media Activity as Proof of a…

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5 Apps to Prevent Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the deadliest driver habits on today’s roads. It is a common act of negligence that can lead to preventable car accidents. Distracted driving refers to operating a motor vehicle without paying due attention to the road or the driving task. Distracted driving killed 2,841 people in the US in 2018 and injured about 400,000 others. One of the most common sources of driver distraction is cellphone use. Many companies have created apps to provide solutions to this problem. Drive Smart If you are looking for a free app that…

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What Are the Types of Spinal Injuries?

Spinal cord injuries are relatively uncommon. The incidence rate of spine injuries per year in the US is about 54 cases per 1 million people, according to the 2019 Spinal Cord Injury Data Sheet from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCSC). This equates to around 17,730 new cases each year. There are up to 363,000 people living with spinal cord injuries in the US, however. The most common causes of spine injuries are car accidents, slip and falls, acts of violence and sports. Every spine injury is unique, and all spinal injuries…

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