Spinal Injuries

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What Is the Average Whiplash Settlement in Nebraska?

If you get involved in a motor vehicle accident in Nebraska, you may end up with whiplash. This is an injury that affects the soft tissues of the neck, such as the ligaments and tendons. It can result in pain, immobility and other symptoms that affect you for weeks or even months after the accident. Learn how much whiplash settlements are typically worth in Nebraska to avoid settling for less than you deserve from an insurance company. How Much Is the Average Whiplash Settlement? While it is logical to search for an average whiplash…

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What Is the Legal Basis of a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit?

A spinal cord injury is one of the most significant and life-changing injuries that an accident victim can suffer. Severe spinal cord injuries can result in permanent nerve damage and paralysis, or the loss of feeling and function below the point of injury. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury that was caused by a preventable incident, such as a car crash or act of violence, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit in Nebraska on one or more legal bases. Spinal Cord Injuries and Negligence…

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